党课ppt模板「包含内容」讲党课ppt模板下载 全国两会新词热词双语版红色精美2024年全国两会专题党课培训ppt.pptx
《党课ppt模板「包含内容」讲党课ppt模板下载 全国两会新词热词双语版红色精美2024年全国两会专题党课培训ppt.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《党课ppt模板「包含内容」讲党课ppt模板下载 全国两会新词热词双语版红色精美2024年全国两会专题党课培训ppt.pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在中天办公网上搜索。
1、认真学习贯彻2024年全国两会精神,全国两会新词热词双语版,2024,新词热词双语版,新三样 new trio,推动外贸稳规模、优结构,电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品“新三样”出口增长近30%,The volume of forelgn trade was kept stable andits mix was improved,and there was a 30-percentincrease in exports of the new trio,namely,electric vehicles,llthium-lon batterles,andphotovoltaic products.,新词
2、热词双语版,超长期特别国债 ultra-long special treasury bonds,从今年开始拟连续几年发行超长期特别国债专项用于国家重大战略实施和重点领域安全能力建设,今年先发行1万亿元,It is proposed that,starting this year and overeach of the next several years,ultra-long speclaltreasury bonds be issued.These bonds will beused to implement majornational strateglesand build up secu
3、rity capacity in keyareas.onetrillion yuan of such bonds will be issued in 2024,新词热词双语版,宏观政策取向一致性consistency of macro policy orientation,增强宏观政策取向一致性。围绕发展大局,加强财政、货币、就业、产业、区域、科技环保等政策协调配合,把非经济性政策纳入宏观政策取向一致性评估,强化政策统筹,确保同向发力、形成合力,We should enhance the consistency ofmacropolicy orientation.To promote over
4、all nationa!development,we should strengthen coordinationbetween fiscal,monetary,employment,industrial.reglonal,sclentific and technological.andenvironmental policies and include non-economicpolicies in the evaluation of the consistency ofmacro policy orientation.Policy coordinationshould be enhance
5、d so that all policies arewell-aligned and form synergy.,新词热词双语版,新质生产力new quality productive forces,大力推进现代化产业体系建设,加快发展新质生产力。充分发挥创新主导作用,以科技创新推动产业创新,加快推进新型工业化,提高全要素生产率,不断塑造发展新动能新优势,促进社会生产力实现新的跃升,We will strive to modernize theindustrial svstemand develop new quality productive forces at afaster pace.W
6、e should give full rein to the leadingrole of innovation,spur industrial innovation bymaking innovations in science and technology andpress ahead with new industrialization,so as toraise total factor productivity,steadily foster newgrowth drivers and strengths,and promote a new,新词热词双语版,未来产业future-or
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